As evidenced by the multi-billion dollar home improvement industry, everybody likes to keep a nice, clean home. Every year homeowners care for their yards, windows, driveways and decks in an effort to keep their home looking great. Yet some homeowners simply do not think the same about their roof. If you have ever seen a really nice home with a discolored roof then you are aware of how much an unsightly roof can take away from the curb appeal of a home. But there are two other very tangible reasons why you should consider having professional roof cleaning.
Those Dark Streaks – They Are NOT Mineral Runoff
Most homeowners that fail to get their roof cleaned regularly usually do not know what those dark streaks and discolorations on their roofs are. Many consider them to be minerals that are deposited from the rainwater that are cascading down their roof, or even water soluble minerals from their shingles. This is simply not the case, if your roof has dark discolorations or streaks it is an algae called Gloeocapsa Magma and it is literally eating your roof shingles. If left long enough this unwanted guest will eat away at your shingles until they are compromised, exposing areas for rainwater, snow and other elements to enter into your roof structure, this can cause thousands in damages. A professional roof cleaning can rid your roof of all dirt, mildew and fungi.
Helping Your Roof Be Efficient
Your roof can play host to various living organisms beside Gloeocapsa Magma. Here in Newport News VA potential roof dwellers are algae, lichens, moss and fungi. All of these organisms absorb heat, which in turn heats up the air in your attic or roof. This means that your air conditioning system has to work even harder to maintain a cool, comfortable home. If you’re a/c is running longer that means that your utility bill is headed higher too! By having your roof cleared of these unwanted guests, you actually help your roof maintain its efficiency and keep your utility bill lower.
Newport News VA Roof Cleaning
Where you get roof cleaning services from matters as your roof and your yard surrounding your home are delicate. Sure, anyone can use harsh chemicals may kill the algae but they can also corrupt the integrity of your shingles and as they rain down on your yard they pose health risks for you and your plants and animals. Here at Envirowash we take extreme care in all of our services, that is why when cleaning roofs, we use a non-pressure soft cleanser that will not cause any damage. This process removes all lichen, moss, fungi and dirt and also includes a water proofing agent that helps prevent further fungal growth. You can be confident that with Envirowash not only will you have a clean roof but the surrounding environment will not be damaged or contaminated because of the eco-friendly cleaners that we use. Call or contact us today to request your free roof cleaning estimate! (757) 599-3164
Our Roof Cleaning Services
- Residential Roofing Cleaning
- Commercial Roofing Cleaning
- Non-Pressure Roof Cleaning
- Soft Washing Services